Islamic Game demo : Le jeu le plus haram qui existe

Plongez dans une expérience sans précédent avec "Islamic Game", le jeu le plus haram qui ait jamais été conçu. Ce jeu controversé repousse toutes les limites, mettant en scène des défis et des aventures qui vont à l'encontre des principes de la foi islamique. Attendez-vous à des situations choquantes et des choix moralement discutables, le tout dans un univers où rien n'est sacré.

Avertissement : Ce jeu est une parodie destinée à un public averti et ne doit en aucun cas être pris au sérieux. Il est conçu pour choquer et susciter la réflexion sur les limites de la moralité et du sacré dans le monde des jeux vidéo.

Islamic Game demo : The Most Haram Game Ever

Dive into an unprecedented experience with "Islamic Game," the most haram game ever created. This controversial game pushes all boundaries, featuring challenges and adventures that go against the principles of the Islamic faith. Expect shocking situations and morally questionable choices, all set in a universe where nothing is sacred.

Warning: This game is a parody intended for mature audiences and should not be taken seriously. It is designed to shock and provoke thought about the limits of morality and the sacred in the world of video games.

Please note: This game is only available in French.


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Are you sure you did it in scratch, because it is very well made for scratch, hmmmmm...

yes i am sur


the most controversial thing about this game is the fact that it is in french

 i like the game though

Well, I'm French and I'd like to point out that I haven't finished yet, it's only a demo.

I’m waiting for the next update haha, so funny!

I haven't laughed this hard in a long time man, god damn man i like this lol and this is coming from a muslim

it's nice that it makes you laugh and yes it comes from a muslim

(1 edit)

Can you Help me in my game?

how can I help you

to update my game...Dragon and the tree in The jam

I am from Egypt and muslim

yes I want to I am not sure I can help you by what I am starting and already speaking you French

i'm also a muslim i meant lol but btw i get stuck after i kill the pig the door open but i can't do a thing

the game is only a demo I have to finish the development